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Lady Boba


展現自己無需言語!「 Lady Boba 」延續洪大媽珍珠飲品“嚼對少不了你”的精神主軸,演繹屬於奶茶系手搖飲的搖滾派對。透過瓶身上線條分明、輪廓俐落的個性女生,傳遞自己的風格由自己創造的搖滾精神,在細節處理上應用金屬原色與高彩色調的撞色拼接,呈現奶茶與配料結合間的口感趣味,手寫Lady Boba字樣,讓瓶裝兼具了屬於現代食尚的隨性與不羈,創造食尚態度,展現自己,無需語言!


Hand-Shaken Beverages (e.g. Pearl Milk Tea) are the most favorable drinks in Taiwan. In order to make Taiwanese cuisines internationally known, Madam Hong highlighted the package with an edgy style. The design had mixed four local flavors up with Rock Style to make them pictorial and also characterized.

Established in the 90’s, this is the very first time for Madam Hong to change its packaging style. We’ve pictured fashionable ladies on our cans: The Cute Girl with an adorable smile represents the Taro Flavor, The Minty Girl represents the Chinese Herb Flavor, The Mellow and Layback Girl represents OoLong Tea flavor, and the Modernized girl represents Pearl Milk tea Flavor. Moreover, the handwritten letters of Lady Boba shows the nifty and footloose spirit.

We and our client are both satisfied after co-completed this project. We are really grateful to work with each other and share our expertises. The  products are on stock since November, 2019. And we got some good feedbacks from our customers.

People in all ages crave for the Pearl Milk Tea after it went viral, but to tell the truth, it’s hard to get one with the most authentic Taiwanese flavor. Therefore, we hoped to share the real taste of Taiwan through our products.

Our goal is to make this canned drink very attractive no matter it is put in the refrigerator or shelf and stimulates people to buy it eventually. To achieve this goal, the high saturation colors and the high degree of contrast were our primary consideration. Second, about printing, we added the original color of aluminum so that people not only can see a better texture of metallic color but also the layered color that used on all of the cans.




客戶 Client / 



客戶需求 Role / 



地點 Location / 

臺中, 南屯區

時間 Time / 


團隊Team / 



Craig Lin

🇹🇼台灣 © LiN品牌設計/


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